AnimeVice Wiki
AnimeVice Wiki

Any articles published in Anime Vice Wikia shall not be reproduced in other sites without permission or citations. All articles in Anime Vice shall be written in your own original words. Please do not plagiarize other Wikia or any other external sites. This is also true for other Wikia sites. Please don't transfer content from Anime Vice to another Wikia without permission.


  • Anime snapshots and manga chapter scans
  • Official data from guidebooks, artbooks, etc - examples include character's measurements, statistics

Images are shared universally. Please don't watermark your images or upload other people's watermarked images.

  • All Anime Vice Work on the old Whiskey Media/Whalerock Industries site saved through Google Docs and other means and Anime Vice wiki work on WayBack Machine. Part of this Wikia's purpose is to preserve as much as we can and transfer as much as we can from the old site to the Wikia site in honor for all of past wiki editors.